作者: scvtw (是黑不是髒) 看板: WOW
標題: Re: [創作]卡幹之死
時間: Thu Aug 7 10:04:42 2008
※ 引述《rort (BLACK KNIGHT)》之銘言:
: 在遙遠未來的某一天,卡幹往生了。
Someday far away, Kalgen is dead.
: 當他抵達天堂的時候,他被一位守門的天使擋住
When he arrives the heaven, he is stopped by an angel guarding the gate.
: "為什麼不能讓我進入天堂呢?大人。"
"Why can't I enter the heaven, my honor?"
: 卡幹和善的問著眼前的天使
Kalgen friendly asks the angel in front of him.
: "不能讓你這個主的背叛者上天堂。"
"I can't let you, the betrayer of the Lord, enter the heaven"
: 外型有如DIABLO系列裡的天使外型的守門者,用嚴肅的口氣回應卡幹。
The guarding angel, with a facade like Diablo angels, replys Kalgen seriously.
: 卡幹很納悶,說:
: "我甚麼時候背叛了主?"
Kalgen is confused, then he says:"When did I betray the Lord??"
: "因為你跟你的兩條走狗在你們製作的遊戲中汙辱了主的使者。"
"Cause you and your two follwers contemned the missionarys of the Lord
in the games you made."
: 看不見臉的天使一說完,
: 背後有如觸手般的光之翼突然一亮,卡幹就瞬間從天堂直落到地獄。
After the angel can't see the face finish, the wing of light sparkles
at his back. Kalgen falls from the heaven to the hell at the moment.
: 只是他沒想到,當他來到地獄時,只見地獄的所有惡魔紛紛慶祝他的到來,
But he can't believe that when he comes to the hell,
every demon celebrates his comming.
: 當他被惡魔們帶去會見撒旦時,撒旦一臉笑咪咪的對有些害怕的他說:
The demons lead him to Satan. Satan with smiles speaks to Kalgen who is fear.
: "卡幹,我的朋友,你和你的兩位部下真的讓我們在人界的影響力變大,
: 而且身為WOW忠實玩家的我,真的應該給你一個小禮物來表達我的謝意。"
"KALGEN!! My friend!! You and your two follower made us a great effect
to human beings. As a devoted WOW player like me,
I should really give you a little present to show my thankful."
: "那,是、是什麼禮物呢?"
: 卡幹有點緊張地問著眼前的地獄之王。
"Wha.....what is that??" Kalgen asked the lord of the hell nervously.
: "把他綁在炮烙之柱上,在他的胸前掛著一個燒紅的鐵牌,
: 上面寫著"請打我的臉",然後叫所有惡魔每天朝他的臉打個兩三拳當出氣包。"
"Tie him onto the hot pillar!! Hang a heat iron placard on his breast wrote
Tell every demon hit his face everyday."
: "不~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!為什麼要這樣對我?!"
"NO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!! Why do you treat me like that!!??"
: 只見原本滿臉笑容的撒旦突然轉成嚴肅的表情,對著崩潰的卡幹說了一句話:
The smiling Satan change into seroius suddenly, he tells corrupting Kalgen.
: "因為我練的角色是聖騎。"
"Because my role is PALADIN."
: "不!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
: 卡幹的哀號聲瞬間傳遍整個地獄。
The scremming spread to every corner of the hell.
Kalgen OS: DAMN SATAN!! Why don't you reroll WARLOCKS.
- Sep 19 Fri 2008 16:13